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Cardbox Licence Server

In most installations, the Cardbox Server can perform any licence administration that may be necessary. However, as described on the Advanced Licensing page, there are times when you may want to have a separate licence server that does this. Here are the details of how to set up a separate Cardbox Licence Server.


From our web site (recommended)

  1. Download the Cardbox Server installer. It will have the filename instsvr.exe.
  2. Rename instsvr.exe and give it the name instsvrL.exe.
  3. Double-click the renamed instsvrL.exe file to start the installation process. You can check that you have done this correctly by looking at the window displayed by the setup program, which should say "Cardbox Licence Server" instead of "Cardbox Server".
  4. The program will be installed in a separate Cardbox Licence Server folder, which will not interfere with any existing Cardbox Server installation that you may have.

From your CDROM

You must have Build 159 or later of the Cardbox Server program for this to work. Check the label on your Cardbox CDROM.

  1. In the Server folder on the CDROM you will find a file called Setup.exe. Copy this to your hard disk: for example, to your desktop.
  2. Rename the copy of Setup.exe on your hard disk and give it the name instsvrL.exe.
  3. Double-click the renamed instsvrL.exe file to start the installation process. You can check that you have done this correctly by looking at the window displayed by the setup program, which should say "Cardbox Licence Server" instead of "Cardbox Server".
  4. The program will be installed in a separate Cardbox Licence Server folder, which will not interfere with any existing Cardbox Server installation that you may have.


The details of the setup are similar to those for the Cardbox Server, and you can use the Cardbox Server Book to guide you through them. There are fewer options because the Cardbox Licence Server does not have to give access to databases.

If you are installing the Cardbox Licence Server on the same computer as the Cardbox Server, you need to give it a different port number so that it is accessible to other programs. Port numbers are set up on the Connections page (see page 22 of the Cardbox Server Book): the standard port for the Cardbox Server is 3105, and we recommend port 3106 for the Cardbox Licence Server.

Windows Control Panel

If you have both the Cardbox Server and the Cardbox Licence Server on the same computer, you will find that the Windows Control Panel contains separate items for each of them, so that you can configure one of them without affecting the other.

Setting up licence borrowing on the clients

If you are using a port number other than 3105 for the Cardbox Licence Server then you need to specify this explicitly when you are telling Cardbox to borrow licences. Supposing that your server name is central, you would specify central:3106. Or if you are using IP addresses and your server's IP address is, you would specify

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